. F O R M A L I T I E S .

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts -- circle laws

the rules of brick road are in this board. all members need to read these topics before joining, and adhere to them throughout their stay in brick road.

Sub-board: -- announcements

2 2 faq --
by [+] breanna
Nov 15, 2009 0:49:17 GMT -6
No New Posts -- past announcements

current and some of the past plotlines and announcements will be stored in this board for viewing purposes only, if you're interested in some of the past site events that occurred here on brick road.

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No New Posts -- staff corner

because the super awesome shiny admins are so special, here's a place for the staff to discuss how stupid mem - er, how to make the site better.

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No New Posts -- library

all information about circle history, mutations, and anything else you might need to know about brick road lies in here. also includes a glossary of circle terms, if you're confused!

5 5 circle statistics --
by [+] breanna
Aug 2, 2011 15:09:21 GMT -6
No New Posts -- archives

all old and dead threads will be locked and moved here. if you want your thread to be revived, pm a mod and we can move it back for you. just make sure to not let it fall dead again until you don't need it anymore!

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. C A S U A L T I E S .

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts -- chit-chat

a place to talk about anything appropriate. no advertising, spamming, or chatspeak, however. you can also play forum games here! however, your post count will not go up for posting in here.

Sub-board: introduction && leaving --

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No New Posts -- graphics

need a new avatar, signature, or a table for your characters? come here! it's more than likely that someone will be able to help you with whatever you need. if you're bored, you can also open up a shop!

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No New Posts -- suggestions

got an idea for brick road? post 'em here. in addition, if you've got a question and can't find anywhere else to post it to get answered, just put it here! one of the staff will see it and be happy to answer it for you.

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No New Posts -- advertisements

this is the only place on the site you may advertise your forum or website. there is also an affiliation sub-board for brick road. remember to read the stickies in here!

Sub-board: -- affiliate

29 29 Another Warrior Roleplay
by AWRP Admin
Jan 4, 2014 17:57:09 GMT -6

. E N L I S T .

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts -- apply

are you ready to join our world? create a character in this board! remember to read through the bans and encouragements thread, or face the admins' wrath! accepted applications are in a sub-board, as well as the rejects.

Sub-boards: -- accepted, -- rejected

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No New Posts -- adopt

here you can adopt a character that has already been made, or give up one that you're not interested in anymore.
parents will post a thread and their characters' stats. an admin will post the kittens' statistics and descriptions for others to adopt.

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No New Posts -- character logs

records and logs of the characters on brick road are stored here. posting is optional, but suggested. inside each thread is information about relationships, locations, and more pertaining to the character. please remember, one thread per member! if you want to recreate your log, pm a mod to move the old one for you.

1 3

. B L A C K S H A R D S .

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts -- blackshards den

the den of the aggressive blackshards lies underneath the structure of ruins. a jagged broken path trails from the main level down into the darkness, and into the dens. the stone walls are damp and the air is heavy, as though the pipelines were still being used. a central space provides an area to gather, while there are paths splitting off of it going to the dens for different ranks, as well as water sources around the blackshards' territory.

Sub-boards: -- stone arch, -- alcove

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No New Posts -- old statue

a decrepit old statue sits guiard by the jagged path on the upperworld level. two remms are stationed there to guard the upperworld entrance to the underworld - and the blackshard kits. no skyseeker is ever allowed past this point, if they even made it into the territory itself.

Sub-board: -- murky pool

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No New Posts -- crystal den

beneath the main area of the underworld lies a small den, tucked away in a nook so that no outsider may reach it. this is the crystal den and is a sacred place for the blackshards, as their first ancestors, shard and june, perished in this very area. glowing crystals adorn the walls, giving the area a murky light. in hard times, speakers like to sleep in the den, to seek help from the circle of skyshards.

Sub-boards: -- skylight, -- shadowed tunnel

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No New Posts -- open grassland

out on the plains of the blackshards' territory, remms like to go on hunting patrols and have battle training. this area is good for hunting rabbits and other quick moving mammals. far at the low end of their territory, a stretch of woodland provides a good source of mice and squirrels. here and there, crumbling walls of old buildings serve as hiding spots for cats looking for some alone time.

Sub-boards: -- outcropping, -- rockery, -- chittering forest

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. S K Y S E E K E R S .

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts -- sky palace

all the skyseekers rest and live inside one of the oldest buildings of the ruins. They call it the sky palace, for it is high on a hill of rock shelves that they must climb up to get to their home. windows around the ruin allow the cats to get a glorious view of the land around them, from the base of the ruin down to the last tree of the blackshards' forest. all the cats sleep together in the biggest room, the only separation being the vitas with their kits in a room close by.

Sub-boards: -- open prison, -- manics cliff, -- vita sanctuary

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No New Posts -- skylands

the skylands are the main area of the skyseekers' territory. it's mostly overgrown stone paths between tall, rundown buildings with columns and arching doorways. This, being a perfect home for small prey, is where the remms mostly hunt. if the blackshards ever invaded, this would make a good battleground, where the swift cats can hide.

Sub-boards: -- hunting stones, -- spirit grounds

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No New Posts -- cliffs

near the border with the blackshards, there is a'hill' of cliffs. this cliff often homes birds, and is where remms often hunt them [despite the fact that they do most of their hunting in the skylands]. There is also a very high shelf of cliffs where skyseekers can look to see invading blackshards and warn the circle, as well as attack from above. the blackshards would do anything to get this piece of land!

Sub-boards: -- bird cliff, -- high shelves

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No New Posts -- ruins village

almost on top of the border with the blackshards, a small cluster of buildings lies in shelter of the cliffs. this area is actually a real village - or, well, used to be. some buildings are still all together, but most are in part or completely destroyed. most remms are wary around this area, for it would be easy for a blackshard to hide amongst the buildings and jump on some cat.

Sub-boards: -- lost castle, -- basking stones

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